Ladies and germs, eis a singela homenagem a uma das maravilhas da humanidade: as tiras do Dilbert.
Naqueles três quadradinhos (cinco aos domingos) desmontam-se as misérias e mentiras da vida e do trabalho num escritório:
- Os eufemismos criados por modas que surgem dos gurus das conferências e dos livros da moda ("You still work here? I thought I downsized you last week").
- As realidades nuas e cruas ("this is my first recession, how worried should I be?", "You'll be fine as long as you don't have any hopes and dreams").
- As cruéis ironias ("Vice Presidents can't hear us. To them, our voices sound like the faint buzzing of flies").
- O jargão corporativo, reduzido à sua essência oca e ridícula (“My consultants can transform human resources, we’ll start with a diagnostic review, then you’ll form centers of excellence around areas of expertise, next you’ll consolidate shared services and drive continuous improvement, business units will translate operational imperatives into HR actions”, “Does any of that mean the same as firing idiots and cutting budget?”).
- A inutilidade das ideias provenientes de chefias inúteis e deslocadas da realidade (“We need to be twice as smart to survive in this economy”, “Good plan. I look forward to spontaneously developing an I.Q. of 400, will I be able to see the future?”).